"Mānuka Health logo, representing a global leader in Mānuka honey, dedicated to natural wellness through honey, propolis, and royal jelly."

Manuka Health,New Zealand honey MGO 950+ 250 gram
عسل نحل مانوكا النيوزلاندى عالى الجودة،250 جرام

11.350 EGP

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  • عسل نحل مانوكا الطبيعى 950 م ج او عالى الجودة لأنه يحتوى على ميثيل جليوكسال الطبيعى 950 مجم / كجم على الأقل
  • عسل النحل غنى بمضادات الأكسدة ومضاد للإلتهابات ويحارب البكتيريا  و يحسن صحة الجهاز المناعى
  • له آثار مفيدة على صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية ، ويخفض ضغط الدم
  • يخفض نسبة الكولسترول والدهون الثلاثية ، و مصدر طبيعى للطاقة
  • مثالى لإلتئام الجروح والحروق ومضاد للبكتيريا
  • لصحة الجهاز الهضمى والجهاز التنفسى ويساعد فى علاج الجيوب الأنفية ولصحة الجلد ولعلاج حبوب الشباب
  • Ultra-high grade, premium New Zealand MGO 950 Manuka Honey. Certified for natural methylglyoxal content (At least 950mg/kg) – scientifically proven to be a key natural compound in Manuka honey. MGO 950 Manuka Honey has a smooth, luscious taste to be savoured.

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Product Description:

Derived from the nectar of the flowers of the New Zealand native Leptospermum scoparium plant, MGO™ Manuka Honey is the only 100% natural food in the world shown to have unique properties due to exceptionally high levels of the naturally occurring compound, methylglyoxal.

This Limited Edition MGO 950 Manuka Honey was selected for its exceptional qualities by the master beekeeper Dave Campbell. Carefully Nurtured to reach its potential, this rare and special honey delights the senses with its delicious smooth taste and rich golden colour.

MGO™ 950 Manuka Honey has been tested and is certified to contain at least 950 mg/kg of dietary methylglyoxal, a natural compound found in significant quantities in only some Manuka Honey produced from the wild, uncultivated manuka plant in New Zealand.

New Zealand Customers
Bee products are not allowed to be imported into New Zealand. We cannot stop you from ordering and not every order gets seized but it is of course at your own risk.


100% New Zealand MGO™ 950 Manuka Honey

**Not suitable for infants under 12 months.

How to Use

Take a teaspoon full of the honey, 30 minutes before a meal, 3 times daily. You can also mix the honey with warm water and drink it as a beverage.

Intake can be increased if necessary.

About MGO™ Manuka Honey

Manuka Health MGO™ Manuka Honey is premium certified New Zealand Manuka honey you can trust. Sustainably sourced from their hives in remote pristine parts of New Zealand and perfected, tested and packed in their specialised honey facility.

Their expert care at every step of the process, with the least possible interference, ensures their MGO™ Manuka Honey retains its unique natural properties and has the beautiful taste and smooth velvety texture that has made it a favourite all over the world.

MGO™ Manuka Honey is tested and certified for MGO potency, purity and quality.

Scientific evidence has confirmed methylglyoxal (MGO) as one of the key compounds naturally occurring in New Zealand manuka honey. All their honey is guaranteed 100% New Zealand origin – each pot can be traced right back to the beekeeper it came from.

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Manuka Health

Founded in 2006 in small-town New Zealand, Mānuka Health has grown into a global leader in Mānuka honey. With a dedicated team of 200 people working in harmony with 1.5 billion bees, we honor nature’s finest gifts—Mānuka honey, propolis, and royal jelly. Through these powerful ingredients, we’ve created a holistic wellness system designed to enhance vitality, strengthen resilience, and promote inner radiance.
"Mānuka Health logo, representing a global leader in Mānuka honey, dedicated to natural wellness through honey, propolis, and royal jelly."
Founded in 2006 in small-town New Zealand, Mānuka Health has grown into a global leader in Mānuka honey. With a dedicated team of 200 people working in harmony with 1.5 billion bees, we honor nature’s finest gifts—Mānuka honey, propolis, and royal jelly. Through these powerful ingredients, we’ve created a holistic wellness system designed to enhance vitality, strengthen resilience, and promote inner radiance.


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