June 30, 2025

A.C. Grace, Unique E Mixed Tocopherols Concentrate Softgels, 90 Softgelsفيتامين ه‍ توكوفيرول 90 كبسوله

Original price was: 3.900 EGP.Current price is: 3.200 EGP.

شحن سريع ومجاني
SKU: 28721 Category:
  • صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية: يدعم قدرة الجسم على معالجة واستخدام الدهون المهمة بشكل مناسب، كما يساعد أيضًا في الحفاظ على مستويات الكوليسترول الموجودة بالفعل ضمن النطاق الطبيعي
  • الشيخوخة: يدعم التركيز الصحي وتقوية الذاكرة كما انه مضادًا للأكسدة في جميع أنحاء الجسم
  • الصحة العامة: يدعم قدرة الجسم على تنظيم الجزيئات المسببة للالتهابات ويعزز صحة العين
  • يعزز تدفق الدم التاجي الصحي ويوفر الدعم المضاد للأكسدة
  • يساعد على تعزيز وظيفة الدماغ الصحية
  • CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH: Supports the body’s ability to appropriately process and utilize important lipids also helps in the maintenance of cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range.*
  • AGING: Supports healthy focus and memory retention also provides antioxidant support throughout the body *
  • GENERAL HEALTH: Supports the body’s ability to regulate pro-inflammatory molecules, including C-reactive protein and promotes eye health*
  • Promotes healthy coronary blood flow and provides antioxidant support*
  • Helps to promote healthy brain function and maintain the integrity of cellular function*

Availability: In stock

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Tocopherol complex Vitamin E

In the world of nutrition, tocopherol concentrate, commonly known as vitamin E, plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal health.

Tocopherol complex this fat-soluble antioxidant is renowned for its ability to protect cells from oxidative damage, supporting various bodily functions.

Understanding Tocopherol complex

1-  What is Tocopherol? Define tocopherol and its role as a potent antioxidant.

Types of Tocopherol complex

Tocopherol, renowned as vitamin E, manifests itself in diverse forms, each imbued with distinctive properties. The primary iterations of tocopherol encompass alpha-tocopherol, beta-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, and delta-tocopherol. Let’s delve into the dynamic characteristics of each:


  • Function: Exhibiting unparalleled biological activity, alpha tocopherol stands out for its potent antioxidant capabilities, safeguarding cells from oxidative harm.
  • Sources: Abundantly present in an array of foods, including nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils, notably sunflower, safflower, and wheat germ oils, as well as leafy green vegetables.


In the symphony of vitamin E forms, beta-tocopherol assumes its role, contributing to the orchestra of antioxidant activity, albeit with a subdued intensity compared to its alpha counterpart.

  • Function: Participating in the antioxidant chorus, beta-tocopherol plays a vital role, albeit with a degree of activity slightly less pronounced than that of alpha-tocopherol.
  • Sources: Commonly distributed throughout foods such as nuts, seeds, and various vegetable oils.


Stepping into the limelight, gamma-tocopherol distinguishes itself with anti-inflammatory attributes, venturing beyond the realm of alpha-tocopherol’s antioxidant effects.

  • Function: Carrying the torch of anti-inflammatory prowess, gamma-tocopherol expands its reach, showcasing potential health benefits beyond the confines of traditional antioxidant effects.
  • Sources: Flourishing in specific foods like nuts, seeds, whole grains, and select vegetable oils like soybean and corn oil.


In the backdrop, delta-tocopherol, while less explored compared the alpha and gamma counterparts, makes its presence felt, contributing substantively to the overarching antioxidant prowess of vitamin E.

  • Function: Despite residing in the shadows of alpha and gamma forms, delta-tocopherol makes a meaningful contribution to the comprehensive antioxidant capacity of vitamin E.
  • Sources: Discovered in foods such as nuts, seeds, and an array of vegetable oils.

Health Benefits of vitamin e benefits

1- Antioxidant Properties Discuss how tocopherol combats oxidative stress, protecting cells from damage.

2- Cardiovascular Health Explore tocopherol’s role in promoting heart health by preventing the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

3- Skin Health Highlight the benefits of tocopherol for skin, including its role in preventing premature aging and supporting skin repair.

4- Immune System Support Discuss how tocopherol strengthens the immune system, aiding in the body’s defense against infections.

5- Neurological Health Explore the potential neuroprotective effects of tocopherol and its role in maintaining cognitive function.

 Dietary Sources of Tocopherol complex

1- Natural Food Sources Identify foods rich in tocopherol, including nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, and leafy green vegetables.

2- Supplements Briefly discuss the option of vitamin E supplements for those who may have difficulty meeting their Vitamin E needs through diet alone.

Weight 40 g
Age gender

Men, Men 50, Women, Women 50










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Antioxidant Properties Discuss how tocopherol combats oxidative stress, protecting cells from damage.A.C. Grace, Unique E Mixed Tocopherols Concentrate Softgels, 90 Softgelsفيتامين ه‍ توكوفيرول 90 كبسوله
Original price was: 3.900 EGP.Current price is: 3.200 EGP.

Availability: In stock