April 30, 2026

NOW Super Enzymes 180 Capsules

3.950 EGP

شحن سريع ومجاني
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  • شركة ناو من أكبر الشركات الأمريكية لصناعة المكملات الغذائية، وحاصلة على العديد من شهادات الجودة العالمية
  • خليط أنزيمات الهضم لتحسين صحة الجهاز الهضمى
  • يساعد في هضم الأطعمة المعقدة (الكربوهيدرات والبروتينات والدهون) ولصحة التمثيل الغذائى وزياد إنتاج الطاقة
  • لتحسين صحة الأمعاء و يعمل على راحة المعدة ويخفف الغازات والإنتفاخ والإمساك
  • يحافظ على مستويات الأنزيمات المثلى مع تقدم العمر
  • يحسن صحة الجهاز المناعى وصحة المخ
  • خالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • علبة إقتصادية تكفى 6 أشهر
  • SUPPORTS HEALTHY DIGESTION: NOW Super Enzymes is a comprehensive blend of enzymes that supports healthy digestion. Take one capsule with a meal.
  • BREAKS DOWN FATS, CARBS, AND PROTEINS/OPTIMIZES NUTRIENT AVAILABILITY : Formulated with bromelain, ox bile, pancreatin and papain, Super Enzymes helps to optimize the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and protein.*
  • CERTIFICATIONS/CLASSIFICATIONS: Soy Free, Made without Gluten, Keto Friendly</li>
  • class=”a-list-item”>GMP Quality Assured: NPA A-rated GMP certification means that every aspect of the NOW manufacturing process has been examined, including our laboratory/testing methods (for stability, potency, and product formulation).
  • Packaged in the USA by a family owned and operated company since 1968

Availability: In stock

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NOW Super Enzymes Capsules description

  • NOW Super Enzymes is a comprehensive blend of enzymes that supports healthy digestion.
  • Take 1 capsule with a meal.
  • Formulated with bromelain, ox bile, pancreatin and papain, Enzymes helps to optimize the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and protein.
NOW Foods, Family, NOW, Supplements, Vitamins, Health, Wellness, natural, organic, super enzyme
NOW, NOW Foods, Supplements, Organic, Natural, Wellness, health, vitamins, minerals, probiotic
NOW, NOW Foods, Organic, Natural, Supplements, Vitamins, minerals, probiotics, health, wellness, super enzyme


Weight 201 g
Age gender

Female Teens, Male Teens, Men, Men 50, Men 70, Women, Women 50, Women 70


750 mg

Imported from

United States


Fatty Acids








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now digestive enzyme, super enzymeNOW Super Enzymes 180 Capsules
3.950 EGP

Availability: In stock