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Which LYMA Laser is right for you?

The same pioneering anti-ageing laser technology available in two groundbreaking devices.

The LYMA Laser’s 8cm2 treatment lens is engineered to deliver cosmetic surgery results for the face, neck and small areas of concern.

The LYMA Laser PRO’s 30cm2 treatment lens is over three times bigger. Engineered to treat the untreatable, transforming face, neck and full body. Faster.


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LYMA Laser technology. The difference explained

Skin Depth

LYMA Laser PRO. Powerful results

How the LYMA Laser Pro transforms skin. Sets a new standard in advanced, painless laser technology


LYMA Laser PRO stimulates surplus collagen production in the dermis and epidermis, transforming fine lines and wrinkles in days.

Skin Tightening

Lifts, sculpts and tightens skin by stimulating the body’s production of collagen, reinforcing the extracellular matrix to empower skin to regain youthful elasticity


Powerful near-infrared laser technology to smooth skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.


Low-level laser technology reduces the appearance of pigmentation and sun spots to create a more even looking skin tone.

Rosy skin

Powerful near-infrared technology, proven to reduce inflammation in all layers of the skin, dramatically fading rosy skin on the face and body.


Powerful laser technology engineered for all skin tones. Transforms the appearance of scars, old and new.

Post Cosmetic Treatment

Use immediately after injectables or invasive cosmetic treatments to reduce signs of irritation on the skin.

The power to transform skin in weeks

The LYMA Laser Pro was engineered by a world class team of geneticists, surgeons and longevity scientists. Delivering powerful low-level laser therapy. Transforming the appearance of skin in days. This is a scientific breakthrough.

Week 1

LYMA’s near-infrared laser light is absorbed into the skin and converted into an energy which signals the slowing down of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid breakdown in the skin.

Week 2

Increase in circulation results in the delivery of more oxygen and nutrients inside the skin. The more nourished skin is, the better the skin is able to function. The results speak for themselves.

Week 3

The top layer of skin (the epidermis) begins to transform. Your skin is looking smoother, firmer and healthier. Continued daily use of the LYMA Laser PRO will see benefits accumulate.

How the LYMA Laser PRO is different

LYMA Laser PRO Laser resurfacing Fractional Laser Microneedling Botox injections Filler injections
Rosy skin
Appearance of cellulite
Skin tightening
Treats both face and body
Zero damage
Pain free
Optimised for all skintones
Risk of bruising
Risk of infection
Requires downtime


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