October 31, 2025

Leading Edge Health HyperGH 14X – 120 tablets هايبر جي اتش لزيادة افراز هرمون النمو وزيادة الكتلة العضلية ، 120 قرص

5.899 EGP

شحن سريع ومجاني

  •  هايبر جي اتش  بتركيبته الفريدة من نوعها التي تحتوي على أكثر العناصر الطبيعية والمكملات الغذائية التي أثبتت فاعليتها في رفع مستوى هرمون النمو الذي يساعد على زيادة الكتلة العضلية
  • زيادة معدل حرق الدهون
  • تركيبة فريدة من الأحماض الأمينية كالأرجنين والجلوتامين والليسين والتايروزين والفالين وغيرها من الأحماض الامينية
  • بالإضافة الى التريبولوس وجذورالاستراجلس لزيادة انتاج الطاقة
  • و مساعدة الرجال على تعزيز خصوبتهم حيث يساعد تريبولوس تيريستريس على تحسين الأداء بشكل عام حيث يحفز إفراز مادة طبيعية تسمى DHEA والتي يستخدمها الجسم في تحسين الوظائف الجنسية
  • والكرميوم الذي يساعد في خفض مستوى الجلوكوز في الدم وبالتالي ادارة وزن الجسم بشكل فعال
  • With HyperGH® 14X you could see these results:
  • Awesome Lean Muscle Mass
  • Jaw-Dropping Ripped Physique
  • Natural Gains from Your Body
  • More Energy at the Gym
  • Better Results from the Same Workout

Availability: Only 1 left in stock (can be backordered)

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Natural and Legal HGH for the Gym

For bigger muscles and better results in the weight room, try HyperGH® 14X. It’s a legal, natural HGH supplement for the gym that will have you RIPPED and looking amazing. HyperGH 14X stimulates natural HGH, without needles, and is ideally dosed for an Exercise-Induced Growth Hormone Response (EIGR). This means the body releases more HGH during your workout and even when you rest. HyperGH 14X will give you bigger muscles and a ripped physique. You’ll get them with a high-quality natural gym supplement of enterically-coated capsules ideally dosed for natural HGH and an imposing body.



HyperGH® 14X is designed to give you the body you want. It helps stimulate your body’s own HGH before, during and after you hit the weights, so you will see the difference where you want it to show.

The HyperGH 14X formula includes:



Studies suggest this amino acid can triple your HGH, even as you get older. Arginine helps with muscle growth, energy, fat burning and many other functions. Your body doesn’t make it, either. You’ve got to get Arginine from your diet or with a supplement like HyperGH.



Your body uses Glutamine to help you manage stress. It helps with metabolism and muscle growth, cell division and energy levels. Glutamine may help your immune system as well.



Glycine tells the pituitary gland to make more HGH. It helps calm the brain, too, and may even benefit the prostate.



Use Lysine with Arginine and you get a big boost to your immune system. Lysine is shown to be 10 times more effective with Arginine, which helps your sexual function fire on all cylinders.



Your thyroid gland uses Tyrosine to make the hormone Thyroxine. That helps reduce fatigue. Also, it helps growth and metabolism.

 Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris

With a long and proven history of helping guys boost their fertility, Tribulus Terrestris may help you perform in the sack. It appears to stimulate a naturally occurring substance called DHEA, which the body uses for sexual function.


Astralagus Root

Astragalus Root makes a major impact on men’s health. Among other things, it helps metabolism and digestion. Your immune system may like it too, and it may also give you more energy.

Deer Velvet Antler

Deer Antler Velvet

Deer Antler Velvet is a natural source of collagen, chondroitin and glucosamine. The body uses chondroitin to strengthen cartilage tissue. Deer Antler Velvet is also linked to higher levels of IGF-1. When that goes up, so does HGH.



GABA is an amino acid that helps increase HGH levels. It also helps nerve impulses in your brain communicate better and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Colostrum Cheese


This is a form of milk that mammals make from the mammary glands in late stages of pregnancy. It’s linked to better immune function, faster recovery, greater lean muscle mass and slower aging.



This branched-chain amino acid concentrates in your muscles. Your body can’t make it, so you need to get it through diet or a supplement, which makes it all the more important for muscle development. Valine stimulates muscle metabolism, repair, growth and more.

Pituitary (Anterior) Powder

Anterior Pituitary Powder

Anterior Pituitary Powder helps tell the pituitary gland to make more HGH. It may also help some conditions linked to aging, including poor muscle tone.

Phosphatidyl Choline


This is a purified extract from lecithin that helps make the HyperGH14X formula more effective. It breaks down fat deposits in the body, which may help a variety of conditions, from gallstones to depression and may even help your memory.



Research shows this amino acid is twice as effective as arginine for boosting HGH. Better yet, it’s even more effective when combined with the other amino acids in the HyperGH® 14X formula.

GTF Chromium

GTF Chromium

Chromium helps transport blood to your cells. It also helps lower glucose levels, with the latter being linked to higher HGH, and it may aid you with weight control.

Weight 208 g


Leading Edge Health


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leading edge health HyperGH 14X - 120 tabletsLeading Edge Health HyperGH 14X – 120 tablets هايبر جي اتش لزيادة افراز هرمون النمو وزيادة الكتلة العضلية ، 120 قرص
5.899 EGP

Availability: Only 1 left in stock (can be backordered)