August 31, 2026

Leading Edge health GenF20®Plusتركيبه متكامله لمحاربة الشيخوخه والحفاظ علي الصحه الشبابيه وتحسين الصحه العامه والجنسيه للرجال

Original price was: 6.870 EGP.Current price is: 5.950 EGP.

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SKU: 37415 Category:
  • احصل الي شكل ومظهر اصغر ب 10 سنوات
  • يعمل علي زيادة بناء العضلات وزيادة حرق وفقدان الدهون
  • يزيد من قدرة التحمل وزيادة انتاج الطاقه وتحسين التمثيل الغذائي
  • يزيل التجاعيد ويحسن صحة ونضارة ونعومة البشره
  • يحسن الصحه الجنسيه للرجال لابعد مدي
  • Look and Feel Up to 10 Years Younger
  • Lose Fat and Gain Lean Muscle
  • Improve Your Stamina and Metabolism
  • Watch Fine Lines and Wrinkles Fade Away
  • Have the Best Sex of Your Life

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GenF20 Plus® is an all-natural supplement that is clinically-proven to reverse the signs of aging by boosting your Human Growth Hormone (HGH) levels. It is our Best Rated HGH Releaser for men and women looking to feel more energy and improve their health.

What are Human Growth Hormones (HGH)?

HGH is a naturally occurring peptide hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland. It is responsible for stimulating cell reproduction and regeneration. As we get older, our body produces less HGH, which kickstarts the aging process. Lower levels of HGH are responsible for:

  • Low testosterone levels.
  • Weight gain.
  • Sexual health problems.
  • Thinner skin that is more prone to wrinkles.
  • Thinning hair.
  • Decreased mental abilities.
  • Slower metabolism.

GenF20 Plus has been specifically-designed to naturally increase your body’s production of HGH. This, in turn, could halt, and even reverse, the aging process.

How Does GenF20 Plus Increase HGH Production?

Unlike synthetic HGH pills and injections, which can be dangerous without a doctor’s prescription, GenF20 Plus contains absolutely no HGH. Instead, GenF20 Plus has a clinically-proven formula that stimulates the pituitary gland to produce more of its own HGH. The result is an all-natural increase in HGH without harmful ingredients or side effects.

Are the Results Immediate?

GenF20 Plus is an all-natural supplement, not a “get-young-quick” pill. Supplements work by changing body chemistry slowly, yet progressively, over time. For the first few weeks of taking GenF20 Plus, you probably won’t notice any changes. But after 4 to 6 weeks, you’ll begin to notice the anti-aging effects of GenF20 Plus. You may start to feel as if you have more energy. Your fine lines and wrinkles may begin to fade and your thinking will become clearer. Your results will improve dramatically the longer you take GenF20 Plus.

What Results Will I See While Taking GenF20 Plus?

GenF20 Plus will boost your HGH levels to what they were in your 20s. The results you can expect from an increase in HGH production include:

  • Clearer Skin Tone
  • Less Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Increased Metabolism
  • Decreased Body Fat


  • More Lean Muscle
  • Higher Libido
  • Better Energy and Stamina
  • And Much More

GenF20 Plus can stop, and in some cases, even reverse, the signs of aging in both men and women.

Is GenF20 Plus Safe to Take Long-Term?

Absolutely, GenF20 Plus is a clinically-proven combination of all-natural ingredients. GenF20 Plus is safe for both short-term and long-term usage. And, as opposed to synthetic HGH or HGH pills, there are no unwanted or dangerous side effects.

Why Choose GenF20 Plus Over Other HGH Treatments?

There are many other HGH boosters on the market. However, only GenF20 Plus has been clinically proven to boost HGH levels. Other supplements may have some of the same ingredients as GenF20 Plus, but they have them in such low quantities that they’re unable to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more HGH. GenF20 Plus has the correct formula in the correct dosage to boost HGH production. Other reasons to choose GenF20 Plus are:

  • All-Natural: Every ingredient in GenF20 Plus is all-natural. There are no synthetic ingredients or fillers.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: Leading Edge Health stands behind their products. That’s why they offer a 67-day money-back guarantee. If you’re unhappy with your results, send back the empty bottles within 67 days for a full refund, no questions asked.
  • No Prescription: Synthetic HGH pills or injections require a doctor visit and prescription. GenF20 Plus can easily be bought online, no prescription needed.
  • Easy to Buy: You can buy GenF20 Plus discreetly online and have it delivered right to your door.
  • Clinically Studied: GenF20 Plus is the only HGH booster on the market to be clinically-proven to boost HGH levels.
  • Enteric Absorption System: This special coating, normally only found in expensive prescription medications, protects GenF20 Plus from stomach acids. This ensures that the pill moves into the small intestines so the ingredients can be successfully absorbed by the body.

Is GenF20 Plus Right for You?

If you’re tired of seeing an older version of yourself in the mirror, or just don’t want to feel old and worn out all the time, GenF20 Plus is just what you need. Stop the aging process in its tracks and start looking and feeling like your younger self again with GenF20 Plus.



GenF20® Plus is a clinically-proven formula of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Each of the ingredients in GenF20 Plus is all-natural and has been researched for efficacy and formulated to ensure a boost in HGH production. These ingredients, as well as the daily dosage, are as follows:

Anterior Pituitary Powder

Anterior Pituitary Powder – 120mg

Anterior Pituitary Powder stimulates the pituitary gland to naturally produce more Human Growth Hormone. In some studies, it has also been shown to help with muscle tone.

Astragalus Root Extract

Astragalus Root Extract – 240mg

Astragalus Root Extract was added to GenF20 Plus based on its ability to help the body process nutrients more efficiently. Astragalus Root Extract also boosts metabolism and helps your immune system function more efficiently.


Colostrum – 200mg

Colostrum is an essential ingredient in the fight against aging. Colostrum contains antibodies that can accelerate healing and improve bone density. Colostrum has also been proven to increase HGH production and promote the production of lean muscle.

Deer Velvet Antler

Deer Antler Velvet – 200mg

Deer Antler Velvet has been added to GenF20® Plus because it’s a natural source of glucosamine, which promotes optimal joint health. Deer Antler Velvet also contains collagen, which is necessary for healthy skin and strong nails.


GABA – 200mg

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) is a naturally occurring amino acid that triggers the brain to produce more HGH. GABA is also known to bolster the immune system allowing your body to fight off age-related illnesses.

GTF Chromium

GTF Chromium – 0.4mg

Chromium is a trace mineral that has been shown to increase energy levels, raise metabolism, and promote your body’s ability to burn fat. This fat killing mineral is also known to promote the release of HGH.


L-Arginine – 520mg

L-Arginine is an HGH releasing machine. This powerful amino acid has been proven to nearly triple the amount of HGH that your body normally releases. L-Arginine is a powerful anti-aging ingredient that stops the aging process in its tracks.


L-Glutamine – 460mg

L-Glutamine is an amino acid that is naturally produced by the body. Increasing your L-Glutamine levels has been shown to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as increase energy, metabolism, and mental alertness.


L-Glycine – 460mg

L-Lysine was added to GenF20 Plus for its ability to heighten the HGH releasing effects of L-Arginine. By combining these two ingredients, the effectiveness of L-Arginine is 10 times better.


L-Isoleucine – 160mg

L-Isoleucine is considered an essential amino acid since the body is unable to produce it on its own. The L-Isoleucine in GenF20® Plus is responsible for boosting energy, building lean muscle, and repairing and rebuilding muscle after exercise.


L-Lysine – 400mg

L-Lysine was added to GenF20 Plus for its ability to heighten the HGH releasing effects of L-Arginine. By combining these two ingredients, the effectiveness of L-Arginine is 10 times better.


L-Ornithine – 100mg

L-Ornithine is another L-Arginine booster and works particularly well when used in conjunction with L-Glutamine, which is also an ingredient in GenF20® Plus.


L-Tyrosine – 400mg

L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that has been shown to reduce fatigue and depression. It’s also responsible for improving metabolism, memory, learning capabilities, and alertness.


L-Valine – 160mg

L-Valine is also considered an essential amino acid since it can’t be produced naturally by the body. This amino acid is used to build, repair, and maintain lean muscle mass. You can make more of your workouts with this muscle-building amino acid.

Phosphatidyl Choline

Phosphatidylcholine – 100mg

Phosphatidylcholine is a crucial ingredient in GenF20 Plus. Not only does it emulsify and eliminate fat cells, but it has the unique ability to facilitate nutrient absorption. This allows the active ingredients in GenF20 Plus to more easily enter the bloodstream.

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Clinical Studies

Not only has each of the individual ingredients in GenF20® Plus been clinically studied for their anti-aging benefits, but so has the GenF20 Plus formula. This makes GenF20 Plus the only HGH releaser on the market that has been subjected to a double-blind scientific study. And the results couldn’t have come out better.

The GenF20 Clinical Study

Leading Edge Health commissioned Vedic Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd. to conduct a clinical study of GenF20 Plus to determine its efficacy in boosting HGH levels. In this study, 61 participants who were suffering from poor quality of sleep, decreased memory functions, decreased libido, andor low energy levels were split into two groups. One group was given the recommended daily dosage of GenF20 Plus. The other group was given the same dosage of a placebo. This was a double-blind study, so neither group knew whether they were taking GenF20 Plus or the placebo.

The Objective

The purpose of this clinical study was to determine if GenF20 Plus increased the production of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). When HGH is released into the bloodstream, it stimulates the liver to produce a compound called IGF-1. Since IGF-1 is the primary mediator of HGH because HGH and IGF-1 levels rise together, the researchers determined that measuring IGF-1 levels was the best way to measure HGH production. An increase in IGF-1 levels directly correlates with an increase in HGH production.

The Results

Each of the participants in the study was given a full medical evaluation both before the study, and when the study concluded 12-weeks later

Weight 210 g


Leading Edge Health


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GenF20®PlusLeading Edge health GenF20®Plusتركيبه متكامله لمحاربة الشيخوخه والحفاظ علي الصحه الشبابيه وتحسين الصحه العامه والجنسيه للرجال
Original price was: 6.870 EGP.Current price is: 5.950 EGP.

Availability: In stock