August 31, 2026

Ancestral Grassfed Kidney (Diamine Oxidase – DAO), Natural Anti Histamine for Allergy,180 Capsules
أنسيسترال جراسفيد كيدني ، مضاد طبيعى للهستامين،يقلل الالتهاب والحساسية، 180 كبسولة

Original price was: 5.800 EGP.Current price is: 5.250 EGP.

شحن سريع ومجاني
SKU: 5336 Categories: , Tags: ,
  •  يحتوى على انزيم ديامين أوكسيديز والذى يساعد على تكسير الهيستامين الزائد فى الجسم مما قد يخفف من اعراض زيادة الهيستامين مثل احتقان الانف، الحساسية والحكة ، الصداع ، العطس
  • يقلل من التهابات الجهاز الهضمى حيث يقلل من الاسهال والام المعدة ويعمل على تقليل التهابات المفاصل حيث يقلل من تورم والم المفاصل ويساعد فى تقليل التهاب المفاصل الروماتويدى
  •  يغذي ويدعم صحة الكلى، ويساعد في الأمراض البولية والتخلص من السموم.
  • غنى ايضا بفيتامين ب 12 والسيلينيوم وبالتالى يساعد على تحسين صحة الغدة الدرقية والمناعة ورفع مستويات الطاقة
  • Based on the concept “like supports like,” consuming kidney supports our own kidney health*
  • Supports urinary health, gout status, detoxification & histamine health w/ DAO*
  • High in vitamin B12 and selenium to support energy and thyroid health*
  • Please read Safety Information and Directions below.
  • Recommended as an integral part of a nose-to-tail keto or carnivore diet by Paul Saladino, MD (author of The Carnivore Code)

Availability: In stock

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Traditional peoples, Native Americans and early ancestral healers knew that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual. The traditional way of treating a person with a weak heart was to feed the person the heart of a healthy animal. Similarly, eating the kidneys of a healthy animal was believed to support urinary ailments and overall kidney health… Pancreas was fed to people with pancreatic and digestive problems… trachea and other cartilaginous parts (not just the hides!) provided concentrated amounts of connective tissue, cartilage, collagen and other proteins that are now missing from the modern diet.



  • Healthy Kidney Building Blocks… Kidney Specific Proteins, Peptides, Enzymes & Cofactors
  • Molecular Biodirectors — DNA Blueprints To Healthy Tissue
  • B12, Selenium & Natural DAO (diamine oxidase) For Histamine Health



  • Optimal Kidney Health Based On “Like Supports Like” *
  • Urinary and Histamine Health, Gout & Detoxification
  • Vitality, Energy & Thyroid Health (high in B12 and selenium)


[NOTE: There’s an old Comanche narrative that has been retold for generations about a young man who loved his wife so much that when she died, he fed her the fresh kidney of a buffalo and then she came back to life. This tale has remained with the Comanche people to serve a greater purpose… to pass on the wisdom of feeding kidney to those who are ailing. There are many accounts of our ancestors taking an animal… the young and the warriors favored liver and heart while the ailing, frail and the old received kidney to build strength, immunity and vitality.]

Weight 156 g

3000 mg

Imported from

United States


Animal Products








Ancestral Supplements


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Ancestral Grassfed Kidney (Diamine Oxidase - DAO), Natural Anti Histamine for Allergy,180 Capsules الذي يقوم بهضم الهستامين وعلاج الحساسية، 180 كبسولة،DAOخلاصة الكلى الطبيعي الغني بأنزيمAncestral Grassfed Kidney (Diamine Oxidase – DAO), Natural Anti Histamine for Allergy,180 Capsules
أنسيسترال جراسفيد كيدني ، مضاد طبيعى للهستامين،يقلل الالتهاب والحساسية، 180 كبسولة
Original price was: 5.800 EGP.Current price is: 5.250 EGP.

Availability: In stock