"Mānuka Health logo, representing a global leader in Mānuka honey, dedicated to natural wellness through honey, propolis, and royal jelly."

Manuka Health Manuka Honey MGO 250+, 100% Pure New Zealand Honey, 1.1 lbs – 500 Grams مانوكا عسل نحل مانوكا النقى من نيوزيلندا 500جرام

4.435 EGP

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  • مانوكا عسل نحل مانوكا النقى من نيوزيلندا الخالى من أى إضافات
  • عسل نحل مانوكا النقى يحتوى على 250 مجم / كجم من ميثيل جليوكسال المادة المميزة لعسل مانوكا المسؤوله عن التأثيرات المضادة للبكتيريا
  •  الخصائص المضاد للبكتيريا لعسل مانوكا هو ما يميزه عن العسل التقليدى
  •  له خصائص مضاد للبكتيريا والفيروسات وغنى بمضادات الأكسدة ومضاد للالتهابات و لذلك يستخدم لصحة البشرة و لعلاج حبوب الشباب وفى إلتئام الجروح والحروق
  •  يساعد عسل مانوكا فى تحسين صحة الفم ولعلاج أمراض اللثه ولتهدئة إلتهابات الحلق ويساعد فى علاج الجيوب الأنفية
  • يساعد فى تحسين صحة الجهاز الهضمي ويساعد في علاج قرحة المعدة وعلاج القولون العصبي والإمساك والإسهال
  • NATURE MEETS SCIENCE: MGO 250 is deliciously smooth and expertly crafted to naturally support general wellness; Featured for its quality and potency on Good Morning America.
  • MEASURING THE MAGIC: We judge Manuka honey based on the quantity of methylglyoxal, the “magic Manuka ingredient,” for a precise measurement of potency and quality.
  • MAGIC OF MANUKA: Add a spoonful to your tea, spread over toast, or guiltlessly enjoy straight from the jar.
  • BEFORE REACHING YOUR DOORSTEP: Our honey undergoes independent quality testing in an ISO17025 accredited laboratory to ensure quality, purity, and safety.
  • MANUKA WAY OF LIFE: Our mission is to share the healing power of New Zealand nature to reconnect you with natural wellness.

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This high grade premium MGO 250 Manuka Honey from New Zealand contains a minimum of 250mg/kg of methylglyoxal, the naturally occurring compound that is present in high quantities only in some Manuka Honey. Manuka Health’s New Zealand MGO Manuka Honey comes from hives in pristine and remote areas of New Zealand, and is fully traceable from beehive to shelf.

Girl doing yoga

General Well-Being

Enjoy Manuka honey straight from the spoon or with a warm tea daily for a daily boost and general well-being. In the change of seasons when ills and chills are rife, many find a spoonful of our honey to be calming and soothing.

Girl doing yoga

General Well-Being

Breakfast bowl with honey, fruit, and a cup of tea


Manuka Honey and other ingredients used to make a mask


Honey used as a sugar substitute in fresh blueberry bread

Sugar Substitute

MGO 30 MGO 100 MGO 250 MGO 400 MGO 550
MGO 30 MGO 100 MGO 250 MGO 400 MGO 550
UMF Equivalent 6 10 13 16
Recommendations Daily Use Daily Care Extra Care Special Care Ultra Care
100% New Zealand Origin
Tested for Potency, Purity and Quality (eSPEN 11/17/12)
Available Sizes 8.8 Ounce and 1.1 Pound 8.8 Ounce and 1.1 Pound 8.8 Ounce and 1.1 Pound 8.8 Ounce and 1.1 Pound 8.8 Ounce and 1.1 Pound

New Zealand Land


Scientist testing honey

Pristine Land

Our honey comes from hives placed among manuka fields throughout the most remote corners of New Zealand.

Caring Beekeepers

Our beekeepers are passionate about bee health and honey. They love what they do and it’s not unusual for them to stay with us through their careers.

Rigorous Testing

We test every batch of honey to ensure that the MGO levels are what we say they are. We can trace each pot of honey back to the beekeeper.

Weight 284 g
Age & Gender

, , , , , , , ,


Imported from





Manuka Health

Founded in 2006 in small-town New Zealand, Mānuka Health has grown into a global leader in Mānuka honey. With a dedicated team of 200 people working in harmony with 1.5 billion bees, we honor nature’s finest gifts—Mānuka honey, propolis, and royal jelly. Through these powerful ingredients, we’ve created a holistic wellness system designed to enhance vitality, strengthen resilience, and promote inner radiance.
"Mānuka Health logo, representing a global leader in Mānuka honey, dedicated to natural wellness through honey, propolis, and royal jelly."
Founded in 2006 in small-town New Zealand, Mānuka Health has grown into a global leader in Mānuka honey. With a dedicated team of 200 people working in harmony with 1.5 billion bees, we honor nature’s finest gifts—Mānuka honey, propolis, and royal jelly. Through these powerful ingredients, we’ve created a holistic wellness system designed to enhance vitality, strengthen resilience, and promote inner radiance.


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