
{Damaged Bottle}Natuspur Premium Berberine HCL Plus Ceylon Cinnamon 1400mg for Blood Sugar, Glucose Metabolism, Immune System, Insulin, Diabetes, Cardiovascular & Gastrointestinal Function – Berberine HCI Root Supplement جذور البربرين 1400 مجم، مع قرفة سيلان، 90 كبسولة نباتية ، لتحسين سكر الدم ،والتمثيل الغذائى للجلوكوز، ولصحة الجهاز المناعى، وتحسين من عمل الأنسولين، ولصحة القلب والأوعية الدموية، ولصحة وظائف الجهاز الهضمى، ولفقدان

Original price was: 4.050 EGP.Current price is: 2.550 EGP.

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  • البربرين مادة طبيعية موجودة فى بعض النباتات والأعشاب ، ويتم استخراجها من جذور نبات البربرين
  • مهمه لتحسين صحة الجهاز المناعى
  • لتحسين صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية
  • لتحسن مستوى جلوكوز الدم وتخفض مستوى سكر الدم و لتقليل الكوليسترول الضار
  • لها تأثير قوى للحمايه من الإلتهابات و مضادة للأكسدة
  • مضاده للشيخوخة و تزيد طول العمر والحياة الصحية
  • لتحسين صحة الجهاز الهضمى لتكون بصحة جيدة
  • لتحسين صحة وظائف الميتوكوندريا (مصنع الطاقة فى الخلية) لزيادة الإمداد بالطاقة
  • فعاله فى زيادة فقدان الوزن
  • ✔ Advanced Berberine Supplement: Vitology Labs Berberine Capsules comes with an unprecedented purity level of 99% providing 1200 mg of high quality Berberine. Which are easy to swallow, vegetarian, vegan and convenient. It is powerful for supporting glucose metabolism and supporting blood sugar levels, Berberine also helps to support negative side effects of high blood sugar, increased concentration, memory and overall well-being. It also supports heart and gastrointestinal health.
  • ✔ Benefits of Berberine: Our Researched based and doctor formulated Berberine Complex come with our amazing twice daily 1200 mg dose. Which helps to support weight loss, PCOS, AMPK regulation,cholesterol management, blood sugar supplement / insulin function and aid in more efficient glucose metabolism by lowering blood glucose or maintaining blood sugar levels. Helps, reduce oxidative stress and support intestinal, heart, liver, vision, bone, and digestive health
  • ✔We Guarantee You will Love It Berberine HCL hydro chloride, a form that has been widely studied and is absorbed more easily by the body. Our Berberine is produced using a proprietary aqueous extraction process to ensure that an all-natural composition is preserved while ensuring nothing but the highest level of purity and potency in the finished product. Reducing the risk of high cholesterol levels, which can lead to chest pain, heart attack and even stroke
  • ✔ Powerful Dosage: Our Pure Organic Berberine Complex gives optimal levels of body absorption and performance with fewer capsules per day. Berberine HCL is often combined with Milk Thistle, Turmeric Curcumin, Ceylon Cinnamon, DIM, Cinsulin, chromium, Silymarin, Alpha Lipoic acid (ALA). Some common misspellings include berbine, berberin, burburine, berburine, barberine, berberene, berberine hci, barberine, beberine, berbarine,  berberina, burbarine, and barbarine. 
  • ✔ 100% Money-Back Guarantee: Our products are manufactured in an FDA registered facility in the USA that adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). We are Third Party Tested and are vegetarian, vegan-friendly, and are wheat and gluten free. If for any reason you aren’t satisfied, we’ll refund your purchase. Order with confidence, as we want you to be SATISFIED with your purchase. Buy in Bulk For Discounts, See “Special Offers And Promotions” section for details

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Premium Berberine
Thre Benefits
Advanced Berberine Supplement
Berberine 500mg
Berberine 1200mg
Located in the United States
Weight 86 g
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