MAXIMUM STRENGTH: MILK THISTLE 50X CONCENTRATED EXTRACT Your Liver plays a vital role in helping rid the body of harmful waste and toxins. Milk Thistle supports liver function and health. It is a powerful antioxidant, free radical scavenger and detoxifier that promotes liver toxin removal. Additionally, Milk Thistle supports heart health, healthy cholesterol levels and may contain anti-aging properties. Our powerful 12500 MG formula manufactured with organic Milk Thistle can be taken either once a day or twice daily for maximum cleansing. * How NusaPure’s Organic Milk Thistle Compares: -200 Maximum Strength Capsules Per Bottle -50:1 Concentrated Extract Equivalent to 12500mg of Milk Thistle – 80% Silymarin -Full 200 day supply -Made right here in the USA in a GMP compliant facility Feel The Difference With Natural Cleansing Advantages Of Taking Milk Thistle: -Promotes Liver Toxin Removal * -Supports Liver Function & Health * -Powerful Antioxidant & Free Radical Scavenger * -May Contain Anti-aging Properties * -Supports Heart Health * -Supports Healthy Cholesterol Levels * ingredients: organic milk thistle seed extract Other ingredients: cellulose(from capsule),silica,magnesium stearate,rice powder
Nusapure Organic Milk Thistle Extract 12500 mg, 200 Capsules حليب الشوك العضوى استخلاص 12500 مجم ، 200 كبسولة
2.950 EGP
شحن سريع ومجاني
الأقسام القلب والدم, مكملات الكبد والكلى, مكملات الجمال والعناية بالبشرة
الوسوم: خالي من الجلوتين, قوة عالية, غير معدل وراثيا, الأعلى تقيما
تم التقييم بـ 5.00 من 5 بناءً على تقييم 1 عملاء
- إنتاج شركة نوزابيورالأمريكية الحاصلة على العديد من شهادات الجودة العالمية
- نبات لبن الشوك العضوى عالى التركيز 12500 مجم للكبسولة
- لبن الشوك يحسن صحة و ظائف الكبد ويزيل سموم الكبد
- ينظف و يطهر الجسم من السموم
- يحسن صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية
- له خواص مضادة للأكسدة ويحمى الخلايا من الشيخوخة و التجاعيد وأمراض الشيخوخة
- يخفض مستوى الكولسترول الضار ويساعد في ضبط سكر الدم
- آمن و فعال و خالى من مسببات الحساسية
- علبة إقتصادية تكفى لمدة تصل الى 6 أشهر
- MAXIMUM STRENGTH NON-GMO. Our 50X Concentrated Milk Thistle Extract is equivalent to 12500 MG of Milk Thistle per capsule. Our potent formula is made from organic Milk Thistle Extract Seed (Silybum Marianum seed) to ensure you are receiving a natural and pure extract. Providing you with 200 capsules in every bottle, our Milk Thistle 12500 MG formula is made right here in the USA in a GMP compliant facility. *
- CLEANSE & DETOX YOUR LIVER: Your Liver plays a vital role in helping rid the body of harmful waste and toxins. Milk Thistle supports liver function and health. It is a powerful antioxidant, free radical scavenger and detoxifier that promotes liver toxin removal. Additionally, Milk Thistle supports heart health, healthy cholesterol levels and may contain anti-aging properties. Our powerful 12500 MG formula can be taken either once a day or twice daily for maximum cleansing. *
- SAFE, NON-TOXIC and efficacious product to support your health.
- STILL NOT SURE? DON’T WORRY! – As a small family business, we fully understand the uncertainty and risk of trying new supplements. And this is why we go extra mile to source only the highest quality ingredients. Also, trust and transparency is at the forefront of our brand. We list every single ingredient on our products so that you can make an informative decision. Let us know if you have any questions or if can be of any service!
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7.950 EGP إضافة إلى السلةتم التقييم 0 من 5September 30, 2026
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