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Garden of Life Vitamin D, Vitamin Code Raw D3, Vitamin D 5,000 IU, Raw Whole Food Vitamin D Supplements with Chlorella, Fruit, Veggies & Probiotics for Bone & Immune Health, 60 Vegetarian Capsules جاردن اوف لايف وفيتامين كود فيتامين د3 الخام 5000 وحدة دولية لصحة العظام والجهاز المناعى 60 كبسولة نباتية

1.650 EGP

شحن سريع ومجاني
Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)
  • جاردن اوف لايف إحدى الشركات الأمريكية المتخصصة فى صناعة المكملات الغذائية
  •  فيتامين د3 من غذاء كامل مع الأوميجا 3 والكلوريلا والبروبيوتك و أنزيمات الهضم لصحة الهضم والإمتصاص
  •  فيتامين د3 5000 وحدة دولية من أغذية كاملة لدعم صحة العظام والمفاصل ويساعد فى ترسيب الكالسيوم على العظام
  •  يدعم صحة القولون والجهاز الهضمى كما يحسن الذاكرة و التذكر و يدعم صحة الجهاز المناعى و لصحة الثدى والبروستاتا
  • فيتامين د3 طبيعى عالى الإمتصاص لأنه يأتى بالشكل الذى يأتى من أكثر المصادر الطبيعية وهو الشمس و الطعام
  •  نباتى وخالى من المواد المعالجة وراثياً وخالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • Raw vitamin D3: The only RAW, whole food, vegetarian vitamin D3 delivered in a whole food lipid base of high Omega-9, Organic Green Cracked Wall Chlorella – plus live probiotics and enzymes for optimal absorption and digestion
  • Whole food nutrition: Our vitamin code raw D3 is whole food nutrition, specifically formulated with 5,000 IU of vitamin D3.
  • Bone health: This raw food-created vitamin D3 provides bone and joint support, colon and digestive support, memory & concentration, breast & prostate health, proper cell replication and immune system support. Health Concern: Bone Strength Heart Health Prenatal Health Beauty Support Immunity Support
  • Natural vitamin D: Easily metabolized vitamin D3 is preferred over D2 since it’s in the form that comes from the most natural source possible – the sun and our food
  • Vegetarian vitamin: Our real food D3, vitamin is non-GMO, raw, vegetarian, gluten free, dairy free and kosher, with no binders or fillers

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probiotics, vitamins, food supplements, organic, non-gmo, garden of life,

We want the best when it comes to our food – clean, organic, and non-GMO. Why would we want anything different for our vitamins and supplements?

We are fanatical about food. We’re different that way. Whether we’re making a vitamin, or a probiotic, or a protein powder, we always start with real foods and these (foods) provide our formulas the power to be their best. We’re different that way, too. The synthetically created, chemical “breakthroughs” from huge commercial laboratories around the world are not for us.

As fanatical as we are over what goes into our products, we are even more obsessed about the things we keep out of them. We hate those synthetic chemicals that most companies use to make their products. This stuff makes machines work faster, and helps factories churn out super-sized containers at higher “efficiency.” Well, while the other guys spend their time preoccupied with their efficiency, we’re uncompromising about your health. Slow it down, make it by hand, grow it in rich organic non-GMO soil with enough sun, air, water and time for it to be its best. Harvest it when ready. Treat it with care. Turn it into a power-packed nutritious food supplement. That’s what we are about.

probiotics, vitamins, food supplements, organic, non-gmo, garden of life,

whole food, nutrition, clean, high quality, organic, nongmo, garden of life

clean food, supplements ingredients

traceable farming organic non-gmo vegetables fruits garden of life

The Science of Whole Food

Your body was created to eat, process, and derive its nutrition from food—real, healthy food. So, when we create our products, we start by looking at food. What is the “good stuff” in the highest quality food that we are missing in our diets? Which of those foods have the greatest potential to impact—and empower—extraordinary health?

Clean is healthy

We start with what goes IN our products—true, whole food ingredients. But we don’t stop there. We also pay very close attention to what we keep OUT of them. And once again, we look at food—real nutrition food. When is the last time you picked up an apple, turned to read the ingredients, and saw a list of chemicals? If it’s not in your food, then we don’t want it in our supplements.


Traceability is key to what makes Garden of Life’s products so special. Traceability starts with knowing where each and every ingredient in our products comes from and getting to know each and every source: where it’s grown; the farming practices; how they pay and treat the farm workers—everything. That’s why it’s so important to start with Certified USDA Organic and Non-GMO Project Verified fruits and vegetables that are grown without these chemicals. We want to get the good stuff from foods that are grown without any of the bad stuff.

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Garden of Life

Garden of Life; Empowering Extraordinary Health
Garden of Life offers organic, whole-food-based supplements crafted with the purest ingredients. From probiotics to vitamins, every product is designed to support health naturally and help you live your best life.
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1 review for Garden of Life Vitamin D, Vitamin Code Raw D3, Vitamin D 5,000 IU, Raw Whole Food Vitamin D Supplements with Chlorella, Fruit, Veggies & Probiotics for Bone & Immune Health, 60 Vegetarian Capsules جاردن اوف لايف وفيتامين كود فيتامين د3 الخام 5000 وحدة دولية لصحة العظام والجهاز المناعى 60 كبسولة نباتية

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