
Bronson Natural Vitamin E Complex Supplement 400 I.U. (80% D-Alpha Tocopherol), Natural Antioxidant, 250 Softgels برونسون فيتامين ه‍ المركب الطبيعى 400 وحدة دولية ، مضاد للأكسدة ، 250 سوفت جيل

2.160 EGP

شحن سريع ومجاني
  • أقراص فيتامين ه‍ الطبيعية سهلة البلع تحتوى على 80% د- ألفا توكوفيرول 400 وحدة دولية و تساهم فى دعم صحه الجلد ووظائف الجهاز المناعى
  • فيتامين ه‍ غنى بمضادات الأكسدة القوية التى تساعد فى تقليل آثار الشيخوخة وتبطئ عملية الشيخوخة وتعزز وظائف الجهاز المناعى
  •  يعتبر ألفا توكوفيرول الموجود بشكل طبيعى هو الشكل الأكثر إمتصاصا لفيتامين ه‍ من قبل الجسم
  •  يحمي فيتامين ه‍ جدران الشرايين ويمنع الكوليسترول الضار من التأكسد والإلتصاق بجدار الشرايين ويحسن صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية ولعلاج فقر الدم
  •  كما يساعد فى تعزيز مستويات السكر الطبيعية فى الدم
  •  يدعم البصر الصحى للعين من خلال حماية شبكة العين ويساعد جسمك فى عملية الشفاء الشاملة
  •  فيتامين ه‍ هو أحد مضادات الأكسدة القوية التى تساعد فى إبطاء عملية الشيخوخة وتعزز صحة الشعر والجلد والأظافر وتدعم صحة الجسم بالكامل
  •  فيتامين ه‍ عنصر أساسى قابل للذوبان فى الدهون يوجد فى مصادر الغذاء مثل بذور عباد الشمس والسبانخ
  • طبيعى وخالى من مسببات الحساسية زجاجة واحده من مكمل فيتامين ه‍ تحتوى على 250 سوفت جل سهلة البلع لتستمر لمدة أكثر من ثمان أشهر لأنك تحتاج فقط الى تناول قطعة واحدة يومياً لتلبية إحتياجاتك
  • Easy To Swallow Natural Vitamin E Pills: Contains 80% d-alpha Tocopherol, 400 I.U. per tiny pill! Contributes to healthy skin and immune function.
  • Powerful Natural Antioxidant: Vitamin E has been found to help to diminish the effects of aging!
  • Superior Quality: Laboratory tested, USDA Certified. Manufactured at a cGMP registered facility.
  • Trusted Since 1960: The pioneers of Bronson Vitamins were a group of pharmacists who witnessed the benefits of vitamins and mineral supplementation firsthand with their patients. Bronson Vitamins have been consistently mentioned by top medical professionals since our inception in 1960.

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BRAND YOU CAN TRUST: Since 1960, Bronson has been providing families with the highest quality products available. This 50 year heritage speaks for itself. But with so many online vitamin stores, why should you purchase supplements from Bronson? In short, our company is time proven, offering the purest, high quality vitamins backed by science. Trust Bronson to provide the very best natural health products for you and your family.


Bronson Natural Vitamin E Complex 400 I.U. (D-alpha Tocopherol), 250 Softgels

Slows the aging process and boosts your immune function.* Vitamin E protects the walls of your arteries and prevents ‘bad’ cholesterol from oxidizing and getting stuck to the artery walls. It also helps promote healthy blood sugar levels, supports healthy eye sight by protecting the retina, and helps your body in the overall healing process. Vitamin E is also a powerful antioxidant helping to slow the aging process and promoting healthy hair, skin and nails. Bronson has a full line of vitamin E products for all of your needs.

Bronson Vitamin E Complex benefits may include:

Antioxidant Support

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant helping to slow the aging process, boost general health and promotes healthy hair, skin and nails.*

Whole Body Support

Vitamin E helps promote healthy blood sugar levels, supports healthy eye sight, and helps support your body in the overall healing process.*

Promotes Heart Health

Nutritional support for healthy heart function* Vitamin E protects the walls of your arteries and prevents ‘bad’ cholesterol from oxidizing and getting stuck to the artery walls.*

Anti Aging Qualities

Vitamin E has been found to help to diminish the effects of aging by promoting optimal absorption and assimilation via our oil-based softgel.*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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BRONSON Vitamins

Bronson: Trusted Wellness Since 1960

Bronson delivers high-quality vitamins and supplements backed by decades of expertise. With science-based formulations and premium ingredients, Bronson supports your journey to health, vitality, and overall well-being.



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